About E-rate
What is E-rate?
Annual E-rate Cycle

E-rate & State Funding Opportunities
Public schools should contact the Public School Facilities Authority (PSFA) if interested in E-rate upgrade State matching funds through the Public School Capital Outlay Council (PSCOC).
Public libraries should contact the NM State Library for possible E-rate State matching funds through their currrent pilot program.
National School Lunch Program (School Year 17 - 18)
Click here to download New Mexico's SY 17 - 18 calculation listing.
Discount Matrix for NSLP
Download: http://usac.org/_res/documents/sl/pdf/samples/Discount-Matrix.pdf
For schools using CEP, here’s the calculation:
For each of the schools that are participating in the NSLP's Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), multiply the total number of students in the school by the percentage of directly certified students, and then multiply the results by the CEP national multiplier (currently 1.6) to convert the percentage into the number of students eligible for the NSLP. The resulting number cannot exceed 100 percent of the students at that school. Remember to indicate which schools are participating in CEP in the "Discount Calculation" section of your FCC Form 471 application so that the online system can do the calculations for you.
E-rate Websites
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Website
Universal Service Administration Company (USAC) Website
USAC Schools & Libraries Division (SLD) Homepage